The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the year 1957. Sandwich Diploma Course in Electrical and Electronics Engineering started in 1971.
Courses offered by the Department are
To produce Diploma graduates in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with sound Technical knowledge to pursue diversified and successful careers by providing quality education.
PEO 1 | Diploma graduates of this programme will be able to pursue successful Careers in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. |
PEO 2 | Diploma graduates of this programme will enrich their knowledge through higher studies and lifelong learning. |
PEO 3 | Diploma graduates of this programme will become entrepreneurs in the Field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. |
PSO1 | To inculcate knowledge, skills for analyzing, planning and applying to real time industrial automation process by developing suitable program (ladder programming for PLCs, ALPs/ embedded C Program for Microcontrollers) and test it. |
PSO2 | To design and estimate the total Electrical cost and material requirements for residential building, Workshop, Laboratory as an individual and as a team. |
PSO3 | To apply the basic concept of AC, DC, Special machines, selection of suitable drives based on the application, Electrical Maintenance and Service. |
PSO4 | To Analyse and apply the concept of generation, transmission, distribution, utilization of electrical energy based on the needs of the society. |
Curriculum & Syllabus
Click here to view the Curriculum & Syllabus.
Board of Studies
BOS was organised to Review of Curriculum and syllabi M scheme and to revise departmental Vision, Mission and PEO's on 16.08.2018
A Faculty Development Program on the latest trends in E - Vehicle Technology has been arranged for our EEE, ECE, Mechanical and ER department faculty for two days from 23.01.2024 and 24.01.2024 at Murugappa Polytechnic College. Twenty Two faculty attended the FDP and gained knowledge on Electric Vehicle Architecture, EV Motors, Battery Technology and hands on practical training in Battery technology and testing.
Lighting of lamp by Dr.S.Selvaraj and Dr.K.S.Sekar
Inauguration Function , HODs & DICs
Welcome Address by Mr.P.S.Santhi, Lecturer Sl.Gr.II, Co-ordinator, FDP Program
Inaugural address by Dr.S.Selvaraj , DIC,TDM
Hands on Practical training for the Faculty in designing Battery pack
Hands on Practical training for the Faculty
Hands on Practical training for the Faculty
Hands on Practical training for the Faculty
Training Program conducted by Mr.R.Karthik, Techinal Trainer, TVS Training & Services
Mrs.P.S.Santhi, Lecturer(Sl.Gr), EEE attended one week short term course on "Advanced Embedded Controllers " conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research(NITTTR), Taramani, Chennai from 5.8.19 to 9.8.19.
Mrs.N.Deivanayaki, Lecturer, EEE attended one week short term course on "Data Communication & Networking " conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research(NITTTR), Taramani, Chennai from 19.8.19 to 23.8.19.
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Team building by Mrs. V. Tamilarasi, HOD/EEE, Murugappa Polytechnic College on 05.06.2017
Negotiation Skills
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Negotiation Skills by Mr. Valliappan, Estate manager from CUMI, Murugappa Polytechnic College on 05.06.2017
Hands on Training PLC to PC through Ethernet Communication
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Hands On Training PLC to PC through Ethernet Communication by Mrs. V. Tamilarasi, HOD/EEE and Ms. S. Divyabharathi, Lect/EEE, Murugappa Polytechnic College on 05.06.2017
Trends in Manufacturing Technology
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Trends in Manufacturing Technology by Mr.S.P.Chandramouli, GM - Projects, M/s TI Metal Section on 06.06.2017
Roof top – Solar Power management
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Roof top – Solar Power management by Mr.U.Baskar, M/s Balaji Electricals on 06.06.2017
Use of Micro controller
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Use of Micro controller in our product Development by Mr. R. Ganesh M.D, M/s Pulsars on 07.06.2017
Process Automation
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Process Automation by Mr.Thanikachalam, GE, Oil & Gas, M/s ONGC on 07.06.2017
PLC Interfacing with web camera
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on PLC Interfacing with web camera by Mr.M.Parthiban Engineer Customer Support, M/s C/MOS Processors on 07.06.2017
Time Management
Lecture on Time Management by Mr. Valliappan, Estate manager from CUMI on 08.06.2017
Elecdes Suite - Electrical Power Panel design
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Elecdes – Electrical Power Panel design by Mr.Mageswaran, Manager, Mr.G.Rajan, M/s Elecdes Design suite on 08.06.2017
Paneldes Software - Electrical Power Panel design
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Paneldes – Electrical Power Panel design by Mr.Mageswaran, Manager, Mr.G.Rajan, M/s Elecdes Design suite on 09.06.2017
Health and Hygiene programme
Lectures attended Faculty Development Programme on Paneldes – Electrical Power Panel design by Mr.Mageswaran, Manager, Mr.G.Rajan, M/s Elecdes Design suite on 09.06.2017
Laboratory Facilities
Electrical Machine Laboratory
Applied Electronics Laboratory
Electrical Computer Laboratory
PLC and SCADA Laboratory
Guest Lectures and seminars
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Industrial Visits
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News Bulletin
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